Iryna Kastsova-Arts Bound Shop on Chairish
18 Aug

Art is an integral part of our life.

Without aesthetic perception, our life will become not just gray, all goals and aspirations will lose their meaning.

High-spirited people surround themselves with objects of art.

Collecting paintings is a very exciting activity. Ask how hearts beat in anticipation of a lot and a successful purchase. With what reverence collectors and amateurs treat their collections. How irritable they are if they fail to make a purchase, and what a balm pours over the heart from the successful acquisition of a coveted painting. For true collectors, money doesn't matter. Contemporary art gives us the opportunity to see with our eyes the awe of a true connoisseur, when contemplating his offspring. The masterpiece of cinema by Giuseppe Tornatore "The Best Offer" perfectly testifies to the feeling of all-consuming love for the object of one's passion. If you ask which item in the collection is more dear to the collector, it will offend him, it's like asking which of the children is more expensive. The possession of an object of art gives pleasure and cannot be too expensive.
We can say that the paintings decorate the room. It means not to say anything. A person is always looking for something that he lacks. A person wants to satisfy a need that is sealed behind seven locks. Intuitively, he is drawn to art, because he feels and internally knows that art is created at the moment of the merging of the soul with a sphere that is several levels higher than the everyday one. It's like a spectrum from infrared to ultrasonic. The energy of high frequencies remains invisible and non-verbal in the work itself, spreading in space and working like a perpetual motion machine, influencing the environment, regenerating and healing. The artist breathed life into the work, through the inspiration of God invested in it, and the object from now on breathes life itself.
Everyone is looking for happiness, but the taste of happiness is different for everyone. In fact, everyone is looking for God, this is happiness. Because God is present everywhere, the divine is present within man. To choose a work of art or ice cream, a person dictates taste. We acquire taste by gaining the experience of many millions of lives on earth, starting with the mineral, the vegetable kingdom, bypassing the animal world, being in the human body. How does a human embryo go through all stages of development from the embryo through nine months. Man is always on the way. This path is difficult and thorny. For many lifetimes he begins to learn to walk and measure his whims with his possibilities. Receiving a toy, the baby calms down for a while, while there is interest and intrigue, then again, from a lack of vital energy, falls into melancholy. Man, like a baby, is looking for an elixir of cheerfulness and dreams of inventing a perpetuum mobile. A person knows within himself that he is worthy of happiness and seeks it with enthusiasm in his soul.

Why do people buy paintings?

Because a painting is a portal to higher worlds. A door through which you will be free and saved. Man split the atom and received atomic energy. This is what he got outside. Now he must split the atom within himself, thereby gaining access to the higher worlds. To do this, he must calm and accept himself. Because the whole world is himself. The Great Master taught not to do to others what you do not want for yourself. Because what you do to others, you do to yourself.

Because the picture responds to the search that leads him. By calming the mind, you become a little wiser. Peace comes from the soul. Abundance flows from the fullness of feelings and knowledge of the truth.

The picture is a bridge to intellectual development, and then to insight and understanding of the ultimate mystery that we are all one.

5 reasons to buy a painting

Pictures are inspiring. Looking at a picture you like refreshes the soul and inspires action.A painting can transform a room. Did you enjoy the environment? Hang a bright landscape on the wall! Do you rent accommodation? Pictures can easily help you personalize it to your taste.The picture can be touched. Unlike prints, paintings have a very tangible history of their creation. And who can resist touching the beautiful relief strokes made by the master's hand?Choosing a painting helps hone your personal sense of beauty. Once you start to be interested in talented artists and their works, you will not be able to stop.By buying a painting, you are making a contribution to art.

Research scientists have shown that the purchase and sale of art is more due to psychological reasons, rather than economic. And even wealthy people rarely acquire beautiful aesthetic objects just for financial reasons.

The emotional satisfaction derived from the purchase of paintings is a component of more than one psychological factor. In a study conducted by Ledbury Research (an international marketing research agency that focuses exclusively on wealth and luxury) and Barclay's Bank, more than two thousand high-net-worth individuals from seventeen countries were surveyed.
A survey was also conducted of scientists and other specialists in the field of art. Based on the findings, the authors of the study concluded that art purchases are often driven by psychological reasons, which fall into three broad categories: personal enjoyment, social satisfaction, and economic value.
The combination of these three main reasons creates an emotional impulse to buy art. Nearly two-thirds of the fine arts owned by respondents in the study were purchased for reasons of personal enjoyment. This includes the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic pleasure that the object brings.
In addition, the new art object improves the owner's environment. The acquired painting or sculpture can act as a means of self-expression or contribute to further personal growth, raise new questions and thoughts, give a fresh perspective on the world, promote spiritual development. And for some, owning art is an introduction to the creative process.

Investment in paintings

Investments in paintings are considered the most successful and successful in the business world.
By investing several thousand rubles in the purchase of paintings, you can earn a million (or maybe more) and quite quickly! For some enterprising people, even a week is enough for this!

money or capital
Buying paintings by talented contemporary artists is the most successful investment. Money is the property of the state, which allows you to use it, work and provide yourself with everything you need. Today the state gives you money, and tomorrow it can take it away, and you will start everything from scratch. Investing in paintings will help you keep your hard-earned money. Investing in paintings is your reliable shield against threats from the sometimes unstable outside world. They will protect you from economic or political risks. Yes, tomorrow there will be a monetary reform or a collapse in the financial market. Old money will lose its value. We have already observed this more than once. Paintings are another matter, paintings are not crumpled old money. The paintings will always remain your property. They can even be insured or pledged as collateral in a bank. Expensive paintings for new money will cost even more. Investing in paintings will protect you from financial and economic crises. Investing in paintings is more reliable than buying dollars or euros. Buying paintings is the best investment. Investments in paintings are in the first place in terms of profitability in the field of investment investments. Buying paintings, you are not only making a successful and profitable investment. You become the owner of a unique work, get the opportunity to admire the beautiful work of a talented artist. You get a constant positive aura that will create positive emotional waves around you. This allows you to maintain spiritual and physical health. And health and mood are the most valuable things! Invest in paintings, in your mental health, in art, in the talent of an artist, in the rich spiritual life of your country. Paintings will make you more spiritual, open your eyes wider to our beautiful world and beautiful people around you. Buy a painting, even if it is expensive, but it is not only a priceless work of art, it is capital! Moreover, a rapidly growing capital! Paintings are capital. Expensive paintings are a big capital. Paintings by famous talented artists are a real treasure and a super investment! Prices for such paintings are rising astronomically! Today they cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. Millions of rubles tomorrow! After tomorrow millions of dollars and euros! Through the years - billions! (Why so? Inflation - however!) Which picture to buy so as not to be mistaken in the commercial result. How to make the right investment? Of course, you need to find a good unusual picture of a talented artist. We will help you understand the great variety of contemporary artists and paintings. Contact us in the gallery. We will help you make the right choice and buy one or more paintings by a truly talented artist. Such a picture rises in price immediately from the moment of its acquisition!

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